Python 编程书籍推荐
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# 语法
# 零基础
- 《简明
教程》在线 (opens new window) / Gitbok (opens new window) / 《Python 简明教程》 | Python 技术论坛 (opens new window) - 《父与子的编程之旅:与小卡特一起学 Python》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《趣学 Python 编程》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《"笨办法"学 Python》中文第三版 (opens new window) / 在线 (opens new window)
- 《Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner》
- 《编程导论》中文版 (opens new window)
# 入门
《Python 基础教程》中文第二版 (opens new window)
《像计算机科学家一样思考 Python》中文版 (opens new window)
《Python 学习手册》中文第四版 (opens new window)
《Python 核心编程》中文第二版 (opens new window) / 中文第三版 (opens new window)
《Python 编程从入门到实践》中文版 (opens new window) / 原版第二版 - Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition (opens new window)
Coding is political
I've often been asked why I care so much about helping people learn to code. I've always responded by saying that code is power, and learning to code gives you power. The more you understand code, the more you understand how much impact tech platforms and products have on people's lives - whether through the implementation of specific features, or the lack of implementation of certain features. It matters little whether these impacts are intentional or not. When you've built a platform that a significant part of society uses for communication, for example, your code has direct impact on society itself. When you write code that helps determine who gets a loan, you impact who can afford to buy a home.
It is abundantly clear in the US, and in many places around the world, that those who have power are desperate to hold on to that power, and are willing to use force - "any means necessary" is an all too common phrase - to hold on to that power. And that force is disproportionally, to a mind-boggling degree, used against Black people, Indigenous people, and anyone who can be classified as a minority.
As you learn to code, please be aware of the power you are gaining. As you work on projects, whether your own projects or those that are controlled by someone else, please focus on projects that share power. Please refuse to work on projects that consolidate power, especially for those who will use it against others.
# 进阶
- 《Python 3 面向对象编程》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Python 高手之路》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Python 编程实战:运用设计模式、并发和程序库创建高质量程序》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Python 高级编程》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Programming Python》
- 《Python 应用核心编程》
- 《Python 进阶》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Effective Python:编写高质量 Python 代码的 59 个有效方法》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《流畅的 Python》中文版 (opens new window)/在线(未完成) (opens new window)
- 《Learning Python Design Patterns》
- 《精通 Python 设计模式》中文版 (opens new window)
# 高阶
- 《Python 性能分析与优化》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《高性能 Python》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Cython - A Guide for Python Programmers》
- 《Python 源码剖析》
# 参考
- Python 指导手册 中文在线 (opens new window)
- 《Python 标准库》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Python Cookbook》中文第三版 (opens new window) / 在线 (opens new window) / PDF 第三版 (opens new window)
- 《Python 参考手册》中文第四版 (opens new window)
- 《Python in a Nutshell》
# 算法
- 《Python 算法教程》中文版 (opens new window)
# 游戏开发
- 《Python 和 Pygame 游戏开发指南》中文版 (opens new window)
# 硬件
- 《真实世界的 Python 仪器监控》中文版 (opens new window)
# 机器学习
- 《Building Machine Learning Systems with Python》
- 《机器学习实战》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《集体智慧编程》中文版 (opens new window)
# 自然语言处理
- 《Mastering Python Regular Expressions》
- 《Python 自然语言处理》中文版 (opens new window)
# 网络编程
- 《Python 网络编程》中文第三版 (opens new window)
- 《Python 网络编程攻略》中文版 (opens new window)
# 科学与数据分析
- 《数据科学入门》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《利用 Python 进行数据分析》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《SciPy and NumPy:An Overview for Developers》
- 《Python 数据分析基础教程:NumPy 学习指南》中文第二版 (opens new window)
- 《Python 金融大数据分析》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《面向程序员的数据挖掘指南》中文版 (opens new window) / 在线 (opens new window)
# 安全
- 《Python 黑帽子:黑客与渗透测试编程之道》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Python 灰帽子:黑客与逆向工程师的 Python 编程之道》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Python 绝技:运用 Python 成为顶级黑客》中文版 (opens new window)
# 系统管理
- 《Python UNIX 和 Linux 系统管理指南》中文版 (opens new window)
# 测试
- 《Testing Python: Applying Unit Testing, TDD, BDD and Acceptance Testing》
# WEB 开发
- 《Flask Web 开发:基于 Python 的 Web 应用开发实战》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《深入理解 Flask》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Introduction to Tornado》中文版 (opens new window)
- 《Test-Driven Development with Django》
- 《Python Web 开发:测试驱动方法》中文版 (opens new window)
# WEB 数据抓取
- 《Python 网络数据采集》中文版 (opens new window)
# Other Awesome Lists
# 相关链接
Legally Free Python Books List - Python kitchen (opens new window)