Awesome Python Books (opens new window)
Awesome Python Books
写给 Python 入门新手的资源集锦
Stackoverflow精选 Python 相关问答翻译
掘金计划——关于 Python 的外文翻译
搞定 Python 面试
Python 3标准库实例教程 (opens new window) | PYMOTW3 (opens new window)
Python 3
好艹蛋的 Python 啊! 🐍 (opens new window) | What the f*ck Python! (opens new window)
Python/Golang Web 入坑指南 (opens new window)
Python 编程时光 (opens new window)
截止于 2020/03/15,我在这里都发了些啥? (opens new window)
后端常用文档 (opens new window)
vinta/awesome-python: A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources (opens new window)
“Windows 上的 Python”文档 | Microsoft Docs (opens new window)
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